Musical Director:
Cheryl Weijermars
The Musical Director:
- Chairs the Music Team meetings
- Is responsible for all aspects of the musical performance of the Chorus.
- Liaises closely with the Team Coordinator for the overall well-being of the Chorus.
- Teaches and trains the Chapter in singing four-part harmony, barbershop style
- Attends all regularly scheduled Chorus rehearsals, except when absence is necessary. As much notice as possible to be given to the Team Coordinator.
- Appoints Assistant Director(s) and Music Team Members in consultation with the Team Coordinator and provides musical direction and support to them.
- Coordinates all Chorus music and the rehearsal programme
- Accepts or declines Chorus performance engagements in consultation with the Team Coordinator.
- Determines the musical qualifications of prospective Members and musical eligibility of Members for singing performances in Chorus or Quartet arrangements.
- Promotes quartets and provide assistance and advice on readiness for public performance.
- Schedules regular audio taping and occasional videotaping of the Chorus to be used as a learning tool.
More details about this position